For everything from interview preparation to recommended reading.
Education & Interview Prep
Resources to help with expand knowledge on corporate finance, investing, and general finance acumen. Utilize these resources to help with everything from classes to nailing that big interview.
Seeking Alpha — Read stock pitches, investment analysis and more. Including SVF’s! Great newsletter as well.
Email Newsletters
One of the most convenient ways to get information on markets, deals, and more.
Morning Brew
One of the most popular amongst college and early age professionals. Easy to digest daily newsletter.
Wall Street Journal
A classic, get-all-the-headlines from the paper you’re supposed to be reading in your inbox.
Money Stuff
Matt Levine’s musings on finance and Wall Street. Endorsed by some of the biggest names in finance.
Seeking Alpha
More markets focused, including some of the best investment ideas from their platform.
A myriad of different newsletters, for whatever interests you - from markets, to VC/PE, and more.
Bullpen News
Weekly letter with all of the most interesting happenings from finance and beyond. Good music recommendations.
SVF Bookshelf
Some of the favorite finance oriented books from around the club