Applying to SVF

Our Spring ‘25 application round is currently closed. Applications for the Fall ‘25 semester will open in September.

There are two stages in the SVF application process

Stage 1: Application Package

Submit your application package using the form below. Applications are due by Tuesdays, 1/21 at 11:59pm EST (late applications will not be accepted). Your application package should contain:

  • Resumé

  • ONE of the following deliverables:

    • One Pager Investment Pitch - Designed for applicants with intermediate experience

    • Case study - Designed for applicants with no or introductory experience

Applicants will all apply as a Junior Analyst and will take part in the Junior Analyst Academy, which focuses on providing a class of undergraduates the opportunity to join the fund and participate in a semester-long training process. Academy is taught by our Chief Development Officer with guest lectures and further assistance from Executive Board Members. *

Stage 1 applicants will be invited to Stage 2 based on strength of deliverable, resume experience, cultural fit, and time commitment expectations.

* Outstanding One Pager Investment Pitch applicants may be considered for direct admission to the fund as an analyst on a case-by-case basis

Stage 2: Interview

Covering topics such as:

  • Resumé & Investment Pitch or Case Study (your application package)

  • Current events

  • General business acumen

Stage 2 applicants will be accepted into SVF based on a holistic review of all application materials and interactions. This includes demonstration of work ethic, research/analysis abilities, unique perspectives and skillsets, and cultural fit.

Info Sessions and Office Hours (Optional)

We host a number of optional events that give applicants the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the fund. Everyone is welcome to come to any of the following events:

  • Winter Fest: Monday 1/6 (12:00-2:00pm and 5:30-8:00pm) @ Curry Ballroom, Table #110

  • DMSB Club Fair: Friday 1/10 (11:00am-2:00pm) @ Curry Student Center Pit

  • SVF Info Session #1: Friday 1/10 (6:00-7:00pm) @ 024 EV

  • Office Hours #1: Sunday 1/12 (1:00-3:00pm) @ Zoom (see our Instragm bio)

  • Meet SVF: Tuesday 1/14 (6:00-7:00pm) @ 107 & 109 Robinson

  • SVF Info Session #2: Thursday 1/16 (6:00-7:00pm) @ 300 Richards

  • Office Hours #2: Sunday 1/19 (1:00-3:00pm) @ Zoom (see our Instragm bio @northeasternsvf)

Application Materials

Investment Pitch (One-Pager)

Note: The template and example are simply direction for organization and design. You are given creative freedom but you should maintain the same organizational structure as demonstrated in the above template and example. Restrict your one-pager response to a single page.

Case Study

Application Submission

Our Values

Above all else, the fund aims to assemble a roster personifying 4 characteristics.

Intellectual Curiosity

Self Starter

Critical Thinking
